What a whirlwind this all has been! So much red tape to conquer! Why do they make things so difficult!! Jonathan is visiting with us during the daytime and sleeping at his Grandma's house for now. Trying to make the transition a little easier on him and getting to know him at his pace. He is a scared little boy who really needs a mommy & daddy to care for and protect him. Please pray for all of us while we go through this time and seek what God wants for our family!
Here's a sneak peek at the cutest little red head I've ever seen.....
So I am sitting in the front yard watching the kiddos play and ride their bikes when Mark comes home. Little did I know what was about to happen! This is how the conversation went.......
Mark - "Did you see the e-mail on the church Yahoo Group?" Me - "No" "Why?" Mark - "Nevermind"...."Well, just check it out later when you get a chance!"
In true fashion, I forget that he told me and our night continues.
The following day, I get a phone call from Mark. Goes something like this....
Mark - "Did you see the message on the YG yet?" Me - "No, I forgot all about it!" "I'll read it now" (It reads something to the affect that there is a grandmother locally who is looking for a family to help with her 2.5 year old grandson. Long term.) Mark - "I deleted the message off of my phone yesterday after reading it only to come in to work today and it pop up on my e-mail first thing this morning!" "What do we do?" "Why will it not go away?" Me - "Ummmmm......I don't know....call the number and see what's going on and if we can help?"
Well, he called, and we met little Jonathan tonight! He is a precious 2.5 year old rambunctious little boy who was removed from his biological parents' home due to neglect. Grandma is unable to care for him b/c she already has his 4 year old bio sister ans is a single mom. In a nutshell, she is looking for a family who is willing to care for Jonathan long term and adopt him as his case progresses!!
I am really stunned & speechless! We were not actively looking for a child to adopt! Is this real? Does this really happen? What now?
**Knowing we will be dealing with the state is a little frightening to say the least but if this is what God is calling us to do.....we always have room!